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ICE VeriSight Pro




3D Animation


KOL Interviews

On Location Filming

Social Media

Live Streaming

Lead Generation


The VeriSight ICE Catheter from Philips, received FDA clearance in 2020, but now their challenge is to explain how the device works, and encourage adoption in the US, and ultimately, the rest of the world.

The procedure

We created a total of 23 films, for doctors, and patients themselves in key markets, English, German, Italian, Spanish. The films were shot on location (Lubeck, Bologna, Edinburgh, London, Madrid) The key message was summarised in an easily remembered mnemonic:  


Remember RACE. 


Recurrent infections? Antibiotics Don’t work? CIED present? Early extraction.  

Pre-procedural planning

Made Clear Studios developed a 3-part campaign that revolutionized cardiac imaging by driving adoption through tailored strategies: a top-line interview recommending the device to the medical team, a how-to animation for physicians, and a value-explainer highlighting financial benefits for hospital administrators.

The outcome

The films were shared with all markets, via the Philips website & Wondr Medical, and taken in person by Philips reps to local GPs.

Philips ICE VeriSight Pro

“Our intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) catheter, the Philips VeriSight Pro – gives cardiologists incredible images from inside of the heart. And so we needed a partner who could help us create incredible images of the VeriSight Pro working inside the heart. The result was spectacular.

Thank you Made Clear Studios”

Kristin Andersen

Senior Marketing Manager


Get in touch

We work with clients to bring together the art of emotional storytelling and the science of medicine.

Contact us to see how we can partner with you to bring your projects to life.

+44 (0) 1865 965 389

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