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Is Not Here





Motion Graphics 

Remote recording 

Marketing / Paid Media 

Organic Reach 

Web Design 

Web Development 

KOL Interviews 

On Location Filming




ORSIF, (or Occupational Radiation Safety in Interventional  Fluoroscopy) realised that although they had been established for 10 years, the international interventional community was not aware of the work they did.  


They approached us to help them get their message out there  – to by generating awareness of serious health risks including cancer and career-threatening orthopedic problems.  

The procedure

21 agreed to be filmed, 15 were featured on a bespoke site commemorating those who are not here. 11 of whom lost their lives to radiation-related cancer.  The site, called – was celebrated by the radiation protection industry, and promoted through social channels.

Pre-procedural planning

Working with an experienced documentary researcher, Made Clear Studios reached out to hundreds of healthcare workers, to find these stories of sacrifice.  

The outcome

“We extend our deepest gratitude to family, friends, and colleagues for sharing their moving testimony about these incredible people. ORSIF and its members are committed to occupational radiation safety through education, resources, best practices, technology, and combining our voices to affect change.”

Is Not Here - Trailer

“Made Clear Studios built this important campaign for us from inception to completion. They conceived of the Is Not Here campaign, designed the brand, recorded contributors, and assembled the recordings onto a dedicated site – which will act as a timeless memorial to all those who have had to sacrifice their career, or lives, as a result of working with radiation in the cath lab. They are a creative force that this industry needs to make real change that is critically needed for healthcare worker’s safety. We will continue to work with them to make an impact worldwide.”

Bob Foster



Get in touch

We work with clients to bring together the art of emotional storytelling and the science of medicine.

Contact us to see how we can partner with you to bring your projects to life.

+44 (0) 1865 965 389

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